Friday, November 29, 2019
The Grey Wolf Essay Example For Students
The Grey Wolf Essay Scientific name -Kingdom-Animalia, Phylum- Chordate, Class- Mammilla, Order- Carnivorous, Family- Canida, Genus- Canis, Species- lupusDescription -Canis lupuss height ranges from about 21-38 inches and three and a half feet long. Their weight ranges from 20 -172 pounds. It is one of the largest wolves in the world. They also range in color from pure white to near black. The gray wolves are a very intelligent animal and they learn quickly to avoid humans and there traps. Grey wolves have a keen sense of smell, acute hearing, and great stamina. They can maintain a trot of 12 to 14 miles per hour and travel up to 60 miles in a single night. They also have powerful jaws that can snap a calfs spine in two or even break a two-inch thick stick.Habitat -their habitat is in Alaska and in the northwestern Canada. Plus there are a thousand or so of them that live in wildernesses in Northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota and a few in Mexico. They used to live in illiminated most parts of th e United States and in the 1800s they were killed off in Great BritainLife cycle -They average Grey wolf can live from 15 to 20 years. They start to breed when they are 2 to 3 years old and when they pick a mate they stay with them their whole lives. They have a liter of pups ranging from 4 to 8, in a 63 day gestation period, in a dens caves, hollow logs, or borrows in hill sides. The pups are very devoted to their parents and the families usually form packs.Importance The Grey wolfs importance is that it keeps down populations of many animals such as rabbits, mice, buffalo, and deer. Their fur used to be sold as clothing and in very dire situations people would eat them. Bibliography -Young, Stanley. The Wolves of North America: Washington, 1944 We will write a custom essay on The Grey Wolf specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Monday, November 25, 2019
World Strruggle Comes to Division essays
World Strruggle Comes to Division essays It is thought that this war that is been ongoing for over a year, began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand; however, many other reasons led to this war. Some occurring reasons date as far back as the late 1800's. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and the system of alliances were four main factors that pressed the great powers towards this explosive war. Nationalism is the love of one's country rather that the love of a native region. Throughout the 1800's many national groups that were driven by nationalism tried to unite by governments controlled by their own people. However, this desire to unite all the people of a nation under one government had devastating possibilities in Europe, where one government often ruled many nationalities. This is one important reason for the start of the Great War. Another reason for the start of the war was the practice of imperialism by many countries. Imperialist countries narrowly avoided war many times as they struggled to divide Africa among themselves in the early 1900's. Two of these countries, France and Germany, were on the brink of war several times when the argued about claims to Morocco. Between 1905 and 1911 they settled each argument with a temporary compromise that left one of the two countries dissatisfied. Although imperialism played an important role in starting the war, militarism was even a greater factor. Militarism controlled the thinking of many European Leaders before the war. These leaders thought that only the use of force could solve problems along nations. These leaders also thought that a military strong nation usually got what it wanted, and weaker nation usually lost out. As international rivalries, each nation in Europe made their armed forces stronger and larger. As all these things began to build up the spark that set off the explosion and led to the war was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. While the heir to the Austro-...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Network Server Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Network Server Administration - Research Paper Example For instance, vulnerability is reported that may impose risks, bugs and errors, incompatibility issues etc. moreover, a news report of a new threat targeting user information may become a great challenge for organizations to sustain their business and customers. However, these news reports may lead to programming flaws and bad quality that may result in massive business losses. For a core banking application, errors, bugs or inadequate security measures cannot be ignored, as a single vulnerability may lead to a major threat for business. For this reason, integrating security in product lifecycle is the most important factor. As mentioned earlier, security breaches are now making headlines, as dependency on applications, mobile applications and online applications has sky rocketed. Users are now making complex online transactions from their cell phones and websites resulting in a rise of application threats. Consequently, there is a requirement of addressing security issues in an appl ication to a relatively high degree. Moreover, many organizations purchase applications from the vendor that all imposes inherent risks that are not known by that time. A recommended solution for addressing application security must be conducted during the feasibility study. Integration of security controls followed with a secure application development approach will ensure quality and security of an application. Furthermore, deciding recommended security controls in a feasibility study will justify the cost of implementing and integrating them within the application. Traditionally, organizations are not addressing application security during the software development life cycle. They conduct security audits by auditors with specialized tools (Edwards, 2006) and with partial resources, at the end of a finished product making the security isolated. If any issue arises during the security audit in end stages of a software development lifecycle, it is more time consuming and expensive t o address. Moreover, security auditors have their own criterion that is their primary objective. For instance, analyzing all risks are addressed or not, level of compliance by classifying vulnerabilities and controls for mitigating threats. All these issues are addressed before an official release of an application. Similarly, the development team has to ensure timely and cost effective development of the software modules and to make their name in the market first (Dave, 2011). Likewise, the audit report with a list of security vulnerabilities is submitted to the application development team for making any suitable changes (Dave, 2011). However, the report does not include any method or a hint of where these vulnerabilities exist. Developers on the other hand, launch the product as per schedule and therefore, security issues were not addressed. However, the best solution of addressing application security is in the software development life cycle, so that developers can rectify and remediate any security vulnerabilities through this process, as afterwards there is no time and the product launches without addressing security vulnerabilities that may result in major threats to organizations afterwards. 2 Implementing a Secure Domain Environment 2.1 Active Directory Implementation Active directory is an essential component which provides efficient and effective network administration. The first step is to prepare a domain. Active directory functions on the domain. The domain name for abc will be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Variables, Measurement, and Statistics Assignment
Variables, Measurement, and Statistics - Assignment Example The use of the above variables will help the nurse put the research into perspective for two groups, adults and other clients admitted to cardiac unit (Lash, Plonczynski, & Sehdev, 2012). In this particular research, it would be essential to measure these variables and record the values. The most suitable level of measurement would be ordinal, as this will help answer the PICOT question. Being that the research measures the likelihood of patients with congestive failure having nosocomial infections, ordinal measurement best fits the research. This is because the nurse is interested in the occurrence (or non-occurrence) of this attribute. This implies that using ordinal measurement will help the nurse collect and record the data in the most appropriate format (Adler & Parmryd, 2010). In ordinal measurement, the values the nurse will use in recording the findings will be of no numerical importance other than describing the occurrence (or non-occurrence) of a trait. A suitable statistical test to help answer the question is Pearson correlation coefficient. This correlation coefficient help determine the relation between two variables in question (Bishara, & Hittner, 2012). After the nurse collects data on the occurrence of nosocomial infections in both adults and other clients with congestive heart failure, it would be ideal for the nurse to correlate this variable for both groups. The correlation coefficient will then be useful in determining the likelihood of either group developing the infection. Adler, J., & Parmryd, I. (2010). Quantifying colocalization by correlation: the Pearson correlation coefficient is superior to the Manders overlap coefficient. Cytometry. Part A: The Journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, 77(8), 733-742. Bishara, A., & Hittner, J. (2012). Testing the significance of a correlation with nonnormal data: comparison of Pearson, Spearman, transformation, and resampling approaches. Psychological Methods, 17(3),
Monday, November 18, 2019
Healthcare statistics error type I & type II Assignment
Healthcare statistics error type I & type II - Assignment Example Type II error would however mean scarcity of resources and while it offers no financial benefit in the scenario, it risks inability to offer care services and therefore threatens quality of health. Type I error would therefore be preferred because of it guarantees healthcare objectives while type II error can hinder realization of care objectives (Grove, Burns, and Gray, 2012). The affordable care act’s provision for review of applications for insurance premium increases is one of the policies that push insurance companies to avoid one type of error. With a null hypothesis that proposed premium increment is not excessive against an alternative hypothesis that the proposed value is excessive, an insurance company will avoid type II error. This is because type II error can lead to excessive increment of premium and the consequence is legal actions against an insurance company for breach of law (The United States Department of Health & Human Services, 2015; Grove, Burns, and Gray, 2012). The United States Department of Health & Human Services. (2015). Premiums: Rate review. The United States Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved from:
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Fidel Castro In Cuban Missile Crisis History Essay
Fidel Castro In Cuban Missile Crisis History Essay Scope: The investigation will focus in assessing the importance and significance of Fidel Castros role in the Missile Crisis of 1962. Method: Castros degree of significance will be evaluated through his roles in chronological stages of the Cuban Missile Crisis, along with the reference to the superpowers. The chronological stages of roles of Castro will be divided by the background stage with the alliance between USSR, the climax stage with the shoot down of American U-2 plane and nuclear attack suggestion, and by the ending stage with the resolution in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Summary of Evidence Background Stage Invasions of US and Cubas alliance with USSR -The break up between Castro and US was already expected by the US invasion Bay of Pigs of Cuba in 1961, where US supported Cuban counter-reactionaries to overthrow Castro. -As the invasion failed, it caused Castro to form alliance with USSR, fearing further invasions of US to overthrow him. -Castros fear came to real when Cuban intelligence spotted the US activities that eventually led to Operation Mongoose in early 1962, which was another invasion designed by US to overthrow Castro. -However, as a new alliance of Cuba and Castro, USSR promised and proposed for the plan for the protection of Cuban regime, which was to ship install nuclear warheads to Cuban territory, before US would find out about it. -Castro welcomed Khrushchevs plan, and the USSR shipped their nuclear warheads to Cuba in stealthy manner, avoiding eyes of US. Initial Stage Nuclear Missiles in Cuba -It was in October 1962 that US intelligence finally found out about Soviet nuclear warheads, which were already shipped to Cuba and were in the preparation for use. -The Cuban Missile Crisis begins on 22. Oct. 1962 as US President Kennedy officially announces that numerous number of USSR nuclear warheads sites, suggesting the possibility of nuclear attack against US. -With the broadcast in the public, Kennedy quickly responded by implementing naval blockade of Cuba, and tried diplomatic negotiations with USSR to reduce the tension of the superpowers with the removal of the nuclear warheads in Cuba. -However, even in the negotiations, numerous tension-heightening incidents occurred to blur the improving relationship between the superpowers, and the danger of nuclear war emerges. Climax Stage U-2 Airplane/Castros Demand of Nuclear Strike -In the midst of negotiations between USSR and US, one of the incidents occurred, which was the shoot down of U-2 US Airplane on 27. Oct. 1962. -At the time, US and USSR believed the incident was the action of Castro, ordering anti-aircraft artillery to shoot down U-2 airplane on the day. -However, it was discovered that it was the action of USSR solider that shot down the U-2 airplane, not Castro. Soviet soldiers shot down the U-2 airplane without the order from Castro. -In addition to U-2 Airplane, another incident during the negotiations was that Castro sent letter to Khrushchev, suggesting a first nuclear strike on US. -Castros action stunned Khrushchev, and from that time, Khrushchev sorted him as young and emotionally charged man who was too inexperienced. Ending Stage Resolution of Crisis and Negotiations -Despite tension-heightening actions during the negotiations, the Cuban Missile Crisis was heading towards the end. -Mutual solution was achieved by the proposal message of Khrushchev on 26. Oct. 1962, and by the acceptance response of Kennedy in 27. Oct. 1962. -The solution was concluded that USSR would depart nuclear warheads out of Cuba under UN supervision, and in return, US would dismiss naval blockade of island and promise never to invade Cuba again. -On 28. Oct. 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis came to an end as Moscow broadcasted that Khrushchev has decided to de-install nuclear bases in Cuba and return them to USSR. -However, throughout the whole period of negotiation of the Crisis, the table of negotiation involved only two superpowers, leaving out Castro. -The resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis was a shock and humiliation to Castro, as he was not given rights to speak for he has been excluded from the negotiations. Evaluation of Sources Analysis Firstly, in the background stage of Cuban Missile Crisis, the role of Castro seems to be influential with the reasons being that he has made successful alliance with USSR and consented to its plan, thereby bringing in nuclear warheads for the sole purpose of protecting Castros government against US. Nevertheless, the significance of Castros role may be limited since it is difficult to see Khrushchevs purpose of alliance with the supply of nuclear warheads as a plan to simply protect Castro and Cuba from US. Within a big picture, it is more likely that USSR is trying to maintain the balance of power of the superpowers, because USSR was in imbalance of strategy with US before the Cuban Missile Crisis, for US was surrounding USSR military bases in the region of Turkey. Therefore, USSRs sending nuclear missiles is to let US learn what it is like to have their land and people put in danger. Moreover, the superpowers secret negotiation in Oct 1962 in which USSR would take back nuclear when US promises to remove blockade of USSR military bases in Turkey makes it more clear that the USSR alliance and supply of nuclear warheads to Cuba are more reasonable when they reflected by USSRs sole interests rather than of Castros. Secondly, in the climax stage of Cuban Missile Crisis, which was during late October 1962, US U-2 airplane was shot down in Cuba. Castro was suspected as in taking his role in crashing US U-2 airplane, as Khrushchev notes that Fidel Castro gave orders to USSR soldiers to put down US U-2 airplane. The role that Castro played in the Cuban Missile Crisis would have been significantly large as it would end the diplomatic negotiations around the Crisis and start a total confrontation of nuclear weapons between the superpowers. However, after further investigation, as it is proven that Soviet soldiers crashed U-2 airplane with no orders from Castro, his role in the Crisis cannot be given any significance as he has not taken any action. Furthermore, role of Castro is related with his suggestion to USSR to launch first nuclear strike attack on US. However, not only was his role proven to be insignificant as Khrushchev rejected to accommodate his suggestion of plan, but Castros over-eagerness in advocating nuclear war ironically reminded Khrushchev of the significance of preserving the peace of the world, thereby contributing to the peaceful outcome by the crisis resolution in 26,27th Oct 1962. Lastly, in the ending stage with the resolution of the crisis and negotiations, Castros exclusion from the USSR-US negotiations of the Cuban Missile Crisis is the crucial indication that shows political insignificance of Castro in the role of the Crisis. Because Castro was not invited, there is no influence from his voice that would have shaped the outcome of the negotiations in the Crisis. Castro was informed of Khrushchevs announcement of removal of all nuclear warheads and the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the radio after the day of the negotiations, just like everyone else in the world. This suggests that to the behalf of USSR and US, in the concern of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Castro was significant no more than just an ordinary Cuban citizen. Many US politicians at the time of the Crisis agree upon the fact that Cuba was just a background setting for the US-USSR confrontation. Indeed, Castro could not take any significant role in the Crisis because the conflict was solely between the United States and the Soviet Union. [1] On the other hand, however, Khrushchev mentioned in the memoir that Cuban Castro actually played important role in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushchev states that Castro was fully responsible for the crash of U-2 airplane, and his support of nuclear war has encouraged and made USSR to consider about launching an unexpected attack on US. However, as it has been found out that the crash of U-2 plane did not involve Castro in any aspect, and that Khrushchev has made such statements without specific and clear details in his memoir, it is hard to accept that Castro was significant in his role of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Conclusion Throughout the whole stages of the Cuban Missile Crisis from the background to the ending, the role of Castro has been overshadowed by the roles of USSR and US. In the background stage, it was Khrushchev who planned and carried out the shipment of nuclear warheads into Cuba to trigger the crisis. Also, in the climax stage, Castros possible significant role in U-2 airplane shoot down was proven to be wrong as Castro has found to be unrelated with the incident. As Bonsal argues, the Cuban Missile Crisis was a conflict that only involved USSR and US. The view is justified as we look into possibilities that Khrushchev has deployed his nuclear warheads for different motives other than to protect Castro from US and when we consider Castros exclusion from the negotiation table. In conclusion, the extent of Fidel Castros significance in his role in the Cuban Missile Crisis is absolutely limited. Castro, Fidel, and Ignacio Ramonet. Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography. New York: Scribner, 2008. Print. Coltman, Leycester. The Real Fidel Castro. 1st ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. Print. Connolly, Sean. Castro: A Beginners Guide. London: Hodder Headline, 2002. Print. Dobbs, Michael. One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War. New York: Knopf, 2008. Print. Griffiths, John. The Cuban Missile Crisis. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Pub Group, 1987. Print. Kagan, Donald. On the Origins of War: And the Preservation of Peace. New York: Anchor, 1996. Print. Kennedy, Robert F.. Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crises. New York: Signet, 1983. Print. Skierka, Volker. Fidel Castro: A Biography. University Park, PA: Polity, 2004. Print. Taubman, William. Khrushchev: The Man and His Era. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 2003. Print. Winters, Paul A.. Historys Great Defeats The Cold War (Historys Great Defeats). 1 ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent Books, 2000. Print.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
Many of us may know about the tragedy that took place back in the 1900’s, the Holocaust. One important question that crosses many of our minds is, if the United States knew what was happening in Germany, why didn’t this great nation take action? Aldof Hitler finally succeeded to become leader of Germany from January 30, 1933-May 8, 1945. During those time periods Jews were being over powered in way of unnecessary persecution. This lead to nearly 6,000,000 murders of the Jews, keeping in mind that 1.5 million of those Jews were children. The Jews who died were not the ones who fought in Europe during World War II. After World War I, Germany was downgraded by the Versailles Treaty, which reduced its pre-war territory and completely reduced its armed force, that’s where it all began. The Holocaust was one of the twentieth century’s greatest tragedies that was made possible by isolationism politics, possible outright fear of the U.S., and possible denial. "During the 1930s, the mixture of the Great Depression and memory of devastating losses in World War, was what could have possibly le...
Monday, November 11, 2019
City Living and Social Interaction
City Living and Social Interaction How much are we affected by the environment we live in? Based on the ideas on Georg Simmel the way we think and comprehend the things around as can all be effected by the region we live it. â€Å"The Metropolis and Mental Life†by Georg Simmel is a essay stating how each individuals are effected by where they are positioned in our society. He explains the difference in the lifestyles of people living in urban cities compared to people living in rural cities. Georg Simmel believes that by living in a urban city we are forced to play a supporting role to the many things going on around us.Because of the busyness of the city we are dominated by the objectivism and we forget subjectivism. Simmel believes that as humans live in urban cities that are forced to only pay attention to the things that are essential to our lives. For example in a rural region one may stop and communicate to the people through out the area, but in a urban city you do not have time to communicate with everyone. Over time we start to view these people who we do not acknowledge less and less until they are seen as objects. Man's nature, originally good and common to all, should develop unhampered. In addition to more liberty, the nineteenth century demanded the functional specialization of man and his work; this specialization makes one individual incomparable to another, and each of them indispensable to the highest possible extent. †(Georg Simmel, pg 392) â€Å"The Metropolis and Mental Life†states that by living in a city our mind begins to act intellectual, not emotional. This causes us to only focus on the thinks that that important to get through our own life and we lose value in the little things.Simmel describes this as â€Å"blase†means that we become uninterested and unconcerned by the things around us because of over exposure. Simmel believes that although urban life can cause us to unappreciative the smaller element of our lives. Although rural life may allow you to value the smaller details in life,Urban life allows us to have more freedom and to understand ourselves. Simmel’s ideas can play a factor at both a global and a local level it can be the different between if you thank the bus driver or play apart in much bigger global issues. An example of Simmels theory on our society is the way e all grow up. As kids we have very little to worry about and because of this our interactions with others occur frequently. We are friendly and socialize lots with our peers. As we grow older we have more to worry about. We become more absorbed in our own lives and pay less attention to the people and things going on around us. This is the same thing that happen in urban cities compared to rural environments. In an urban city we barely communicate with anyone who not directly connected to ourselves, but in rural environments are are constantly chatting and talking to the people around us.This is why it is more common for people in rural cities to know their neighbors where in urban cities neighbor connections are more rare. Overall urban life causes individuals to pay less attention to what is going on around then as they are absorbed in managing their time and money. Works Cited Simmel, Georg. â€Å"The Metropolis and Mental Life. †Seeing Ourselves: Classic, Contemporary, and Cross-cultural Readings in Sociology. By John J. Macionis and Nijole V. Benokraitis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. 392-97. Print.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Gym Proposal Allowing More Gym in School
Untied states is known to have the most obsessed people in the world, yet they continue to not do anything about it. In Shrewsbury high school we have Gym 2 days out of a 7 day schedule, and sometimes you can end up not having gym for a whole week. The recommended exercise per week is 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Most teenagers don’t even exercise on there own outside of school excluding those who participate in sports. Our health is just as important as your educations. They should change Gym from 2 days out of a 7 day schedule to making it 3 days per week.I feel that providing gym more during the week can help teens reach or be closer to reaching there recommended exercise per a week. Obesity is one of the main issues teenagers have to deal with in the united states. Making gym 3 days a week could help students reach there recommended exercise to stay health. This is going to stop obesity but if you make it as important as learning students will realize that its and issue an d exercise on there own to help there health. Schools make students realize how important it is to study and keep your grades up and to continue you to do great in school.Well by applying gym 3 days a week it can help them get the thought of exercise nailed in there heads so they see the importance of this alone with there education. a lot of students believe that this wont help them exercise more, and it be a pointless act because they hate gym as it is already. But a lot of students don’t even realize how important exercise is to you. They’d think that there exercise level will remain the same, but if the gym teachers run tests to make sure students are exercising out of school they may take it more serious then It is taken.Of course each student will have there own goals as long as there improving in some sort of way. Making gym 3 days a week can be done a simple way, but having schools 1 hour long there usually. On certain days you don’t have gym you can hav e an independent study. Everything about school can run the same with educational part, but have gym 3 out of the 5 days you attend school. The gym teacher can provide a test every month to make sure students are improving and treat it as if it was a normal class. In Shrewsbury we have assigned gym teachers only for gym so it wont interrupt in any educational part. lot of students feel they’d fail school but by forcing the importance of this it can help students change they way they live there life and realize its just as important as there education. Knowing from being a high school student I never exercised outside of school and never even worried about exercising much. Knowing most students they did the same if not less than what I know. Your suppose to have 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week. By purposing gym 3 days a week to the gym teachers this could help students reach that goal or if not exceeded it.Having test at the end of each month will encourage students to ha ve to do some sort of physical activity in order to pass the class showing the importance of it. Many student would say that they do exercise enough and that there physically fit, and by having gym 3 days a week is a waste of time. If there are so physically fit then it should be an essay A, and they can be role models to those who are not physically fit. This may be easier to some, than others specially those who participate in athletic sports outside of school.This may help some of the students want to be apart of those sports to get there daily exercise in by doing something they enjoy and being with other students. To wrap this all up, your health is just as important as your education. Gym isn’t going to be the one to fix all obesity, and unfit students but hopefully it can be the next step in helping that cause. This helps students realize that you need to exercise part of your daily life and make it your lifestyle not a one day week or not all kind of thing. Implying t he importance of exercise will show the students how important this is and help students exercise.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment
The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment A Summary of the Policy Reform Policy reform debate in the United States revolves around economic issues that the country is experiencing. Presently, the United States has a vast public debt. As a result, the United States is unable to meet its obligations towards its people and workers. Several states such as Illinois and California are almost bankrupt. Equally, most local governments have gone bankrupt, while rates of unemployment in the states remain relatively high.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The quest to address these issues seems to have raised lots of contention among people from both sides of government. The Republicans and Democrats argue overtly regarding the best way to manage the economy of the United States. However, there exists some agreement between key economists from both side s, on key issues that affect the nation. In my perspective, the ongoing national debate is not genuine, as it obtains fabrication to serve the interests of a few individuals. In other words, this debate is political and it does not seek to serve the interests of common citizens. This paper presents a discussion about issues surrounding policy reform using the instruments of the founding debates, principles, and documents of the United States. Comparative Analysis Social Contract: Representative Governance Social contract theory argues that the government has two key responsibilities. First, it is the role of the government to ensure that citizens do not hurt each other and second, the government must ensure that citizens keep promises amongst themselves. According to this theory, citizens must be ready to surrender some proportion of their liberty so as to maintain a stable, social context. This theory also recognizes the role of the constitution and the need to ratify the constitut ion as a part of the social contract. Besides, the theory advocates for capitalism. Looking back at the ongoing national policy debate in the United States, it seems like the Republicans do not fully recognize the governance by the Democrats. The Republicans should surrender some proportion of their liberty and allow the Democrats to develop policy reforms that best suits the nation.Advertising Looking for term paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Classical Liberalism: Natural Rights Classical liberalism recognizes that all people have an entitlement to natural rights (Rosenblum and Robert 27). These rights obtain a declaration in America’s independent clause. Classical liberalists maintain that natural rights should determine the correct size and functions of government. The philosophers agree that government often violates natural rights of citizens. They also argue that capitalism is the onl y moral economic system, since it bases on voluntary action. One aspect of capitalism is property rights. America has property rights that get entrenched so well that their basic significance for the suitable functioning of the capitalist system becomes easily disregarded. Hence, policy reform should be directed towards attaining and safeguarding property rights. Faction: Pluralism Pluralism in a government refers to inclusion of rival parties in the government. Factions may destroy excellent governance since they ignore the need for the public wellbeing in a dispute involving rival parties and trigger instability. Besides, the most prevalent faction wins at all times in spite of rights or fairness. The only way to eradicate negative impacts of factions is to disallow liberty. This perspective describes the exact situation that the United States is experiencing. Most of the contentious issues that have caused the prolonged debate originate from the Republicans. Considering that the Republicans occupy a key section of government executives, they may opt to oppose every policy that originates from the Democrats. Ambition: Elitism This perspective requires leaders to be elites who can succumb to the needs of the masses. Besides, this perspective requires leaders to be submissive. The Democrats involved seem to be more knowledgeable than the Republicans when it comes to the ongoing public debate on national policy. Besides, these Democrats are extremely confident and ambitious when it comes to policy formulation. Federalist Position Federalists support the constitution and do not consider the bill of rights as an essential tool for creating an incorrupt government. Federalists’ opinion is that economic factors have triggered the debate, but not the incompetence of the constitution. Anti Federalist Position Anti federalists hold the perspective that the constitution cannot offer adequate protection similar to the Bill of Rights. Anti federalists opinion is t hat the United States, together with its local governments, are unable to meet their obligations towards their people and workers due to lack of an insufficient bills of rights system.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The ongoing National Policy Debate through the lens of the American Enlightenment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Constitutional Perspective The constitution stipulates responsibilities and rights of both executives and common citizens. While constitutions may not be faultless, written constitutions serve as the most excellent way of safeguarding different people and their interests. Hence, interests of Republicans obtain protection by the constitution. The United States Constitution recognizes democracy and the right of expression. Hence, the public policy debate is within the limits of the constitution. Bill of Rights Perspective The bill of rights protects civil liberties granted to each reside nt of the United States, as seen in the Fourteenth Amendment. Among these rights is the freedom of speech. Hence, both parties have a right to express their opinions through public debate. This tool entitles governments to meet their obligations towards citizens. Hence, the United States and entity local governments have denied these rights to their people by not providing adequate employment. Solutions: the Principle of Compromise and Consensus Federalism perspective The founding documents of the United States contain interests of citizens. The documents comprise the constitution, the declaration of independence, the bill of rights and amendments to the constitution (Jefferson 29). Politicians who seek to serve their individual interests should not be allowed to compromise any of the standards established in these documents, since they represent the American foundation. States Perspective The United States’ perspective on consensus and compromise is that Republicans should s upport extensive administration and elevated taxes. However, the government does not offer any examples of Democrats backing deregulation or reduction of taxes. According to the current government, the national interest is totally and wholly the growth of the scope, size and authority of government. The United States should, however, endeavor to provide the needs of its citizens. Most of these needs as identified by the debate include lack of employment and insolvency. The public policy debate should seek to address these issues, so as to ensure that life is affordable and comfortable to these citizens. Cooperative Federalism Perspective The public policy debate, in the United States, should embrace cooperative federalism perspective in order to solve the economic problems facing the entire state. It can be hard for representatives centered, in Washington, to identify the needs of entity states. Hence, entity states can establish effective and relevant policies through cooperative f ederalism. Besides, solving issues locally would involve a smaller population than solving these problems from Washington, as the number of those opposing significant perspectives would be less in these areas.Advertising Looking for term paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More My Proposal and Perspective From my perspective, the two parties should only compromise their principles, on public policy, after they conclude on the frailest agreements. This must happen because persons who show willingness to surrender their principles easily cannot be trusted to continue with the bargain. The purpose of compromise ought to be a win-win situation with both parties negotiating and not just agreeing. Conversely, consensus cannot be obtained in cases that involve a few people with similar minds. Whenever the effect of this public policy debate does not satisfy both parties, such consensus should not take effect as there will be lacking enough commitment towards the effort. The debate on public policy has turned out to be totally disconnected from consensus to a certain direction. Irritated Republicans have forced their members to accept positions that are in conflict with aspects of modern economic scholars. While this may serve the political needs of the Republican s, the policy is not suitable. The difference between the situation of economic information and public policy debate in America has significant effects. At present, many residents in the United States are experiencing difficulties because of high unemployment. Many books in the country contain potential solutions. However, Congressional Republicans do not create room for such books to be examined. Rather, they also obstruct those policy plans that do not seem to have any controversies, from the perspective of most economists. Jefferson, Thomas. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation. Radford, VA: Wilder Publications, 2008. Print. Rosenblum, Nancy and Robert Post. Civil Society and Government. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2002. Print.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Case study journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Case study journal - Essay Example This paper explores the three learning and teaching strategies as discussed by as discussed in the book. The book explains how effective learning among students is achieved. Collaboration is among the key elements that have been given much emphasis in this chapter. The author states that collaboration helps students to be receptive to challenging assignments, develop crucial skills in cooperation. It also builds a community of learners who are responsible for each other’s learning rather creating a competitive environment which alienates some students, particularly those who perform poorly in class (Willems & Gonzalez-DeHass, 2006). Students’ engagement is also substantially improved by allowing students to learn in pairs or groups. Learning in groups requires them to share ideas and interact in an effective manner. However, accomplishing collaborative learning is faced with challenges such as inequities that exist in the social system of a classroom. In his case, students who perform well dominate groups formed during collaborative learning while poor performers are unable to convince other group members. According to the author, the main elements of effective learning include collaboration, self-regulation and constructivist learning. Constructivism is categorized into two; physiological constructivism and social constructivism. Under physiological constructivism, people use information, help from other persons and from other resources to develop problem solving strategies and mental models, while Social constructivism makes people perceive learning as a participative activity Inquiry based learning and problem based learning are other effective approaches that improves the learning process. Inquiry based learning involves asking students guide questions that are related to the curriculum where by the chosen questions guide students towards a common understanding. It also engages students in the inquiry by allowing them to make
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Technology Forecast Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Technology Forecast - Assignment Example This paper discusses the forecasted development of information technology industry through the year of 2013. Industry Overview Davis (1989) defines information technology as the use of telecommunication equipment and computers to keep, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data mostly in the field of a business or any other activity. Davis (1989) adds that this term is mostly used as a replacement for computers and everything that has to do with them, including other information delivery technologies, such as television and telephones. In the business setting, Information Technology Association of America defined information technology as the studying, scheming, developing, instigating, applying technical support, as well as handling computer-based information systems. People who work in this field are responsible for network administration, installing and developing software and even planning and managing an organization’s life cycle, under which software and hardware is upheld, upgraded or exchanged. It is through such processes the information technology is being developed in such a way that it enhances productivity and efficiency of employees and organizations. Indisputably, introduction of information technology within the contemporary business environment has had great impact on human daily routine. Chesbrough and Spohrer (2006) assert that information technology demand is driven by the high rate of rapid technology improvements. The profit of a modern company heavily depends on technical know-how, innovative services as well as real advertising by means of hi-tech. Chesbrough and Spohrer (2006) add that large companies have advantages over small companies in that they have broad global reach as compared to small companies that may choose to compete by specializing in market niche. The small companies may as well choose to partner with the big ones to enable their services are being rendered at a more productive rate. The business worth of information technology depends on the mechanization of business procedures, providing information in making decision, linking the businesses with customers and providing other productive tools to increase efficiency. Organizations, businesses, and individuals continue to employ information technology features and systems within the operations with the main aim of increasing efficiency and effectiveness. There is no doubt that since the coming of information technology many business operations, processes, and activities have considerably changed. The world continues to spend a lot of money to adopt and implement information technology in daily life at all levels. Amongst the aspects that the world spends so much money on in respect to information technologies there are devices, data system centers, enterprise software, information technology services, and telecom services, as illustrated in the following chart. The following charts show how global information technology has spread over the last two years. World spending in the year 2012 was found to amount at $3
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