Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay about The Importance of Architectural Engineering
With the help of architectural engineers, our world has become very civilized and advanced over the past decades. Like all other engineers, architectural engineers use logic and creativity to solve problems. They come up with effective designs to assist people in their everyday tasks. In our daily lives we are surrounded by buildings. Places that were once a dessert are turned into cities that now hold amazing buildings. Houses, schools, shopping centers, offices, apartments, airports, etc. are very essential in our society. These buildings do not only please the eye, but they also provide us with shelter and are made to withstand hurricanes, earthquakes, snow storms, and strong winds. Would these buildings still function efficiently and†¦show more content†¦Even though there was not a lot of detailed information about architectural engineering online, I still managed to find some very useful sources. At Academic One File, I found a journal called Architectural engineering a s a profession: report on research leading to a curriculum revision. In this source, university researchers Josifas Paranosis, and Andrej Jodko, did some research on architectural engineering because they want to develop a better curriculum for architectural engineering university programs. I used a lot of information from this journal to support my arguments because it is a very credible source. Another useful source I found is an article at sei.cmu.edu by Mario Barbacci, who is a Carnegie Mellon University Ph.D. student in computer science. In this source I found a lot of information on the history of architectural engineering, and what the function of an architectural engineer is. Another source I really liked and could really apply to my research is Architectural Engineering: A Marriage of Art and Science, at the Nevada Business Magazine site. In this article various architects and engineers are interviewed for different viewpoints. The interviewees explain architectural enginee ring in detail, which makes it easier for the reader to understand. It is also one of the few articles that focus specifically on architectural engineering. To get a clear concept of what architectural engineers do in order to keep theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Architectural Engineering Essay1422 Words  | 6 PagesArchitectural engineers can be team leaders because they know how to balance the aesthetics features, and the functionality of buildings. Most engineers are trained only in the technical field, but architectural engineers are trained both in the architectural, and in the technical field. Therefore, they can apply engineering principles, but still appreciate the aesthetic concept of buildings. By applying knowledge of both fields in their projects, they create a balance. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Corruption Of Absolute Power - 1174 Words
Matthew Lee Mrs. Wong ENG 3UAA-a 22 July, 2015 The Corruption of Absolute Power People say that there is a major difference between justice and corruption, but where is the fine line between good and evil? Corruption can be interpreted as dishonest conduct by those in power. There are those who believe that corruption is just as long as it is serves a benefit for the common good. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth demonstrates the effects of living in a corrupt society and how the people rebel against their ruler whereas George Orwell’s 1984 portrays an unethical dystopia and how the public is oblivious to what is going on around them. The Inner Party and Macbeth both heavily abuse their power, resulting in the deterioration of society. Although they both seek power for the sake of having it, the way they manifest themselves, control the public, and punish the enemies are extremely contrasting. After maintaining so much power in society, the way they present themselves vary greatly between the Inner Party and Macbet h. Their presentation affects how people perceive them. Macbeth presents himself as a ruthless tyrant filled with greed and ambition. After killing Banquo, Lady Macbeth assumes that Macbeth is troubled with guilt, but that is not the case. He explains, â€Å"I am in blood / stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more†(3.4.167-168). Macbeth realizes that he has done so much evil that it is easier to continue rather than make up for his mistakes. ThisShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar : Corruption And Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely1028 Words  | 5 PagesJulius Caesar Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This illustrates the theme in the historical play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar was a man full of arrogance and he had a sense of being self-absorbed. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Is obesity a disease Free Essays
The US. Has the largest portion sizes throughout the world, this doesn’t include having seconds and third rounds of a meal. Fast food restaurants are around every corner, they have different size meals although they are all extremely close in price. We will write a custom essay sample on Is obesity a disease or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most people living in the United States have the mindset of â€Å"why not get more out of what am buying and pay the extra . 35? †With this thought, it makes consuming unhealthy food a money saver. With technological advances, children and adults spend more time on a computer, cell phone, tablet, and watching elevations rather than exercising, playing sports and going out. Nowadays, most adults rely on automobiles to get around town, to work, to school, wherever it may be. Adults have decreased their amount of walking to and from places or riding their bikes. This is everyday exercise that can prevent obesity and IS an easy option. Low income and food insecure people are vulnerable to being overweight. These people usually have limited access to affordable, unhealthy food. When they do have access to healthy food, it is likely that the food is more expensive than junk food being sold. Due to this, it is more likely to buy unhealthy food especially being on such a tight budget. Also, fast food is a major contributor to obesity in children and adults. There are little to no healthy fast food restaurants. Fast food is usually unhealthy, cheap and easy to get. Because of this, people will go through fast food restaurants instead of buying healthy food and going home to cook it. Low income neighborhoods have a lot fewer physical activities sources like parks or tracks than higher income neighborhoods. When sources are available, they are usually unsafe areas for children and even adults. For 16 years, lived on farm land where my grandfather owned orchards. Around me there were absolutely no physical activity sources, no where to play, and really no where to go. When moved a couple years ago, we live five minutes away from one park and two minutes away from another. The neighborhood live in now, there are a lot bigger houses and is more of a higher income neighborhood. Never realized this until researching obesity. Families who are low income sometimes stretch their food budgets by skipping a meal or two. This is especially common in others of low income families. Because of this, when their body does get food, it stores the food as fat because it doesn’t know the next time food will come. This leads to obesity in most cases. Low income families usually have high levels of stress due to financial and emotional pressure. Some of the main causes of obesity are stress, anxiety and depression. I personally have experienced weight gain as a cause of stress and anxiety. For the longest time, I kept gaining weight which made me more anxious and even more stressed. I got medical treatment and was given medication to control my anxiety. After taking the medication I was immediately seeing weight loss and was no longer threatened by obesity. There are many more consequences Of Obesity than Only stress and anxiety. Diabetes is a main factor contributing to obesity. Others are high blood pressure, iron deficiency, early puberty, premature death, low self esteem, depression, asthma, and many more. These are some factors that although are mostly caused by obesity, are preventable. Obesity may lead to substance abuse, peer factorization, poor academic performance, and behavior problems. The definition of a disease is 1. A condition of abnormal vital function involving an structure, part or system of an organism. 2. A specific illness or disorder characterized by a recognizable set of signs and symptoms attributable to heredity, infection, diet, or environment. Obesity fits the definition entirely, although there are ways to prevent it including lower calorie intake, smaller portions, more physical activity and better food choices. Some people may say diets and exercise fail due to their body mass index (IBM). This is misleading. IBM is based on a calculation of height and eight combined. So, for example, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a very high IBM although it is all contained of muscles. One can also find people with a low IBM that have a high percentage of body fat. According to WebMD. Com, a child’s total diet and activity determines a child’s weight. This can include computer and video game time. On average, a typical child spends four hours a day watching television. This is not including video game or computer time. As technology becomes more common, the level of physical inactivity will keep increasing. A child’s weight, in my opinion s soles based on their parents or guardians decisions. This including the amount Of time being spent playing video games, watching television, and being on the computer. Two major factor for parents or guardians to prevent their child from becoming obese is to control portion sizes, and to maintain at least two hours of physical activity. This can easily be done by signing up for a school sport or even taking a walk around the neighborhood. From previous observation, child obesity is caused by a parent or guardians ignorance, or failure to be there for their child. I have seen in some cases where a permissive parent will give their child what ever they please in order to keep them happy and busy while the parent gets things done like house work, cooking, cleaning, etc. This not only gives the child an idea that they’re in charge and what ever they say goes, but it shows neglect and carelessness of the parent or guardian. This may contribute to a major problem as the child gets older. Modeling is one of the major ways for a child to learn. If young children see their parents or guardians eating fruits and vegetables, it is extremely likely they will too. How to cite Is obesity a disease, Papers Is Obesity a Disease Free Essays Is obesity a disease? Obesity is defined as â€Å"a condition that is characterized by excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. Obesity puts people at risk for Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and some cancers. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Obesity a Disease? or any similar topic only for you Order Now It not only causes structural changes in a person’s fat tissue, but it also controls how the body handles lipids, insulin and blood sugar. This condition presents itself when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns. For many people this is caused by eating too much and exercising too little, but there are other factors that also play a role such as age, gender, genetics, environmental factors, physical activity, physiological factors, illnesses, and medications . There are a few exceptions, mostly extreme cases of a health problem where no matter what people do or eat; they become obese due to a single genetic mutation. Many believe obesity is a preventable risk factor for other diseases, like smoking is a preventable risk factor for lung cancer or like drinking is a preventable risk factor for alcoholism. The question raised today is; is obesity a disease or a lifestyle? A Survey conducted by the Gallup Poll from July 8-14, 2004 showed that 21% of Americans believe â€Å"obesity is a disease,†while 75% viewed obesity as a â€Å"problem of bad eating and bad lifestyle habits. †Many believe obesity is a disease, cannot be prevented, and leads to other deadly health issues. On the contrary there are those who argue that obesity is a personal responsibility and can be controlled. Classifying obesity as a disease would scare overweight or obese people, who are healthy into seeking unnecessary medical treatments, and cause public funds to treat a preventable condition. Obesity is the result of sedentary lifestyles and not illness. For example, compared to 40 years ago, people today spend more time commuting, sitting in front of a computer, watching television, playing video games, exercising less and less every day. Obesity is something that happens gradually, and not overnight. The easy way out and to avoid confronting the issue at hand is to pin it as a disease, and something that cannot be prevented. Research says that categorizing obesity as a disease would not address the underlying problems causing it, such as poverty, the lack of unhealthy processed foods, lack of public policies encouraging exercise, and other environmental factors. Racial and ethnic minority adults, and those with less education or who make less money, continue to have the highest overall obesity rates. According to scholarly journal Considerable evidence suggests that the eating behaviors of children and adolescents are shaped by parental feeding behavior3. The way our parents and other individuals in our household eats affects us one way or another for the better or worse. One of the pathways by which parents shape children’s habits is by serving as role models, and children mimic what they see even when it comes down to food ;what they like and dislike . But as children get older in age, it is their own responsibility to maintain their health. Those on the other side of the fence stress that obesity is a disease because it is a result of genetics and biological factors, or illnesses that cause weight gain. These diseases include hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite the lack of acceptance, several government and international agencies have claimed obesity as a disease. The Internal Revenue Service announced a policy in 2002 stating that â€Å"obesity is medically accepted to be a disease in its own right. †This (IRS) policy allows Americans to claim tax deductions for doctor prescribed treatments, â€Å"special food,†and weight loss programs for those who are medically diagnosed as obese, but The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has not classified obesity as a disease. Stress that declaring obesity is a disease would remove the social stigma associated with obesity; afford it the same legal protections as other illnesses, and force medical professionals, insurers, and employers to treat it with the same degree of concern given other diseases. I believe obesity is not a disease, but a condition that is based upon single individuals, their chosen lifestyle, environment and eating habits. As stated before, obesity does not happen overnight, and in many cases can be prevented. In my opinion obesity is caused by laziness, and a non-effort to care for oneself. This is an addictive condition just as cocaine, alcohol, and other drugs, and merely caused by eating beyond ones appetite. Whether or not obesity is a disease is an issue which America feels very strongly about, and will continue to be the topic of conversation until the issue is resolved. Annotated Bibliography English M. Is obesity a disease. Discovery News [Magazine]. 2012. [Cited October 17, 2011]. http://news. discovery. com Is obesity a disease. ProCon [Internet]. 2012. Cited March 24,2011]. http://procon. com. 2012. Golan M, Crow S. Parents Are Key Players in the Prevention and Treatment of Weight-related Problems. Nutrition Reviews; Jan2004, Vol. 62 Issue 1, p39-50, 12p. Discusses the genic factors in the modern environment and the role parents may play in modifying these factors in children’s weight related problems. Importance of parenting style and feeding style in fostering healthy lifestyle and awareness of internal hunger and satiety cues and deemphasizing thinness; Body mass index; Children’s ability to self-regulate energy intake. The article is current and the information was revised in 2012. The information given in this article is relevant to my topic, and answers many of the questions I previously had in relation to my topic. I chose this article because it was more related to my topic. The author is qualified and has studied the given topic. The information in this topic was researched from other qualifies sources, and is supported by evidence. The purpose of this article is to teach, and the information given is fact. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 3 ]. 2 How to cite Is Obesity a Disease?, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Tanks The Evolution Of Tank Technology Essay free essay sample
Tanks, The Evolution Of Tank Technology Essay, Research Paper Ever since the debut of the armored combat vehicle into modern land combat, it has been a bold symbol of ground forcess of all states. Its beginnings based on that of a farm tractor, the armored combat vehicle now looms big over battlegrounds as a worthy enemy, and is in many instances the anchor of most modern twenty-four hours land manoeuvres. The armored combat vehicle was foremost developed by the British and the Gallic during World War I. These armored combat vehicles were really slow ( route velocity was about 5 miles per hour ) and were used merely for foot protection. Although they had some success in the battleground, they failed to perforate German lines. After World War I the Germans used the inter-war period to develop armored combat vehicle engineering and tactics. The consequences of their attempts showed in the Blitzkriegs of 1939 in Poland and of 1940 in France. The tactics involved utilizing newer, faster theoretical accounts of armored combat vehicles that operated as a individual unit, alternatively of merely as a shield for foot. In 1943 the Russians turned the tabular arraies at the Battle of Kursk, at the clip the largest armored combat vehicle conflict in history where about 4,000 Russian armored combat vehicles stopped a German offense of more than 2,000 armored combat vehicles. This conflict was a turning point in the war as it ended the German violative capableness in the East. Its position as the largest armored combat vehicle conflict in history lasted until 1973, when the Israeli ground forces counterattacked against the Egyptian offense in the Sinai during the Yom Kippur War. Interesting about this conflict was the fact that the Egyptians used Russian armored combat vehicle tactics affecting massed manoeuvre, while the Israelis used basically the German blitzkrieg technique, which emphasized single-unit manoeuvre. The Israelis won this conflict. Most late the armored combat vehicle dominated in Desert Storm where United States armored combat vehicles one time once more proved that manoeuvrability is more utile than massing, and the Western armored combat vehicles proved dominate over the Russian. The armored combat vehicle has developed in many different countries since its debut during World War I. The velocity, scope, deadliness, survivability, and the ability to pass on with or command a armored combat vehicle on the battleground have all improved greatly, but at that place haven? T merely been promotions in existent armored combat vehicles when it comes to this sort of warfare. Anti-tank warfare has besides seen great betterments in many of the same countries like arm scope and deadliness. One of the most singular countries of betterments has been that of velocity. During World War I where armored combat vehicles foremost saw conflict, the maximal velocity of a armored combat vehicle was around 5 kilometers per hour, and that is purely route velocity. In the state, the top velocity it could trust to achieve would be approximately half of that. Nowadays the German armored combat vehicle known as the Leopard 2 which is in service with many ground forcess, can achieve a maximal route velocity of around 72 kilometers per hour, and a cross-country velocity of 35 kilometers per hour. This is similar to the velocity of the Gallic Leclerc except in the maximal cross-country velocity it can accomplish. Like the Leopard, the Leclerc can achieve a maximal route velocity of 72 stat mis per hr, but because the Leclerc weighs 3200 Kg less than the Leopard, it can achieve a maximal cross- state velocity of merely 55 kilometers per hour. The chief difference between the two prevaricat ions in the fact that the Leclerc houses a crew of three soldiers, while the Leopard can transport and keep up to fourteen. A 3rd armored combat vehicle, the Israeli Merkava has a route and cross-country velocity which is approximately the same, with a upper limit of 65 kilometers per hours on the route, and 60 kilometers per hour in the state. Another factor that determines the velocity of a armored combat vehicle is what and where it is to be used. The Merkava is an Israeli armored combat vehicle so most of the combat to be had is in the desert, so it isn? t specifically tailored to the route. These velocities are a huge addition over the earlier theoretical accounts of armored combat vehicles ; they non merely travel up to about 20 times faster than the first armored combat vehicle, but they can besides cover a broad country as a consequence. The operating scope of armored combat vehicles has besides increased markedly. World War I armored combat vehicles had a scope of possibly 50 stat mis. The German Wehrmacht? s Prime Minister armored combat vehicle at the beginning of World War II, the Panzer IV, had a cross-country scope of 80 stat mis. The armored combat vehicle of today? s German Army, the Leopard II, one of the best armored combat vehicles in the universe, has a scope of 310 stat mis. Such scope means that armored combat vehicle units are less restricted in their operating radius and less tied down to repair fueling bases. Progresss in communicating have besides allowed for a much larger scope. Lethality, the ability to? kill? or disable other armored combat vehicles, has besides improved by orders of magnitude. Tank cannon have increased in quality and throw weight from 75mm cannon in the Panzer IV of WWII to 120MM in the Leopard II, U.S. M1A2, and other front line armored combat vehicles of today. Effective scope is further increased with the coming of new optical systems. They can observe enemies every bit good as Alliess at greater scope, enabling better aiming. Infrared systems enable the sensing of heat signatures, and laser aiming gives soldiers the ability to self-aim and let go of laser-guided explosives and weaponries. The optical maser is aligned with the fire-control computing machine, so the soldier uses his internal targeting system to take at marks. After the mark is illuminated with the optical maser, its guided weaponries are released and follow the optical maser beam right to the mark. This engineering allows for highly accurate targeting at longer scopes. Survivability is another country in which immense springs have been made. Armor became increasingly heavier and more sophisticated over the old ages. Today, most modern armored combat vehicles use low U, an highly heavy metal, as primary armour. It is about imperviable to all but the heaviest standard shells. Additionally, Explosive Reactive Armor ( ERA ) is used as an add-on to the primary armour. The armored combat vehicle? s primary armour is covered with an extra bed of tiles of ERA, which is an explosive sandwiched between steel home bases. The explosive in the armour is initiated due to the impact of a warhead upon it, doing it to detonate outward, opposing the payload that has merely hit it ; the consequence is minimum harm to the armored combat vehicle. ERA is a really recent development that saw its first important usage during Operation Desert Storm. Era is being used on an ever-increasing graduated table since so to supply protection against both kinetic and chemical warhe ads.. Since ERA is tiled on to the ( by and large ) level surfaces of a armored combat vehicle it does non supply optimum protection. There are countries of the armored combat vehicle the ERA does non cover ; many times these countries include the hull sides and rise up, every bit good as the rear of the turret. These infinites are now the armored combat vehicle? s Achilles Heel ; the enemy can disenable a armored combat vehicle with a hit in these countries. ? During the first month of the Chechnya battle in December 1994, 62 Russian armored combat vehicles were destroyed, all but one of them by hits in countries non protected by reactive armor. ? ( Biass, 56 ) As proved in that case, it is difficult, but non impossible to acquire around ERA. Another innovation that deploys facets of the ERA engineering is that of the Russian radio detection and ranging systems? Drozd? and? Arena? which use radio detection and ranging detectors to observe incoming missiles, and direct out grenades to prosecute such menaces. Such devices are really expensive and non easy to come by, but shortly these devices will go the norm, and defence engineering will develop even more. Presently, the US is researching the development of? blending detectors? which will be able to supply a stand-off capableness for missiles and missiles leting these to assail marks protected by ERA or other protection systems. All modern twenty-four hours armored combat vehicles are besides equipped with laser-warning receiving systems ( LWR ) , supplying an extra grade of survivability. These give visual or acoustic warnings that incoming optical maser energy has been detected, fundamentally stating the armored combat vehicle that they have been targeted. More sophisticated LWRs can give an indicant of the nature of the menace, and can besides originate fume grenades. Operating scope is besides affected by the ability to pass on. Communication with air support and other armored combat vehicles through the usage of orbiters and other new communications devices, is now much more dependable than it was even a decennary ago. This enhanced communicating allows for individual armored combat vehicles to happen out where they are, where the other armored combat vehicles in their unit are, and where the enemy is, every bit good as the construction of the land. This, in bend, enables them to steer with assurance over a greater scope. At the same clip, brigade, group and corps commanding officers can utilize enhanced communications engineering, including both cellular and satellite engineering, to hold a better image of the battleground and thereby be better positioned for tactical and strategic decision-making affecting armored combat vehicle companies and battalions. Tanks have evolved in legion ways since their debut during World War I, and will go on to germinate until they are no longer needed for land warfare, every bit long as the engineering involved continues to germinate. The blitzkriegs of World War II and the Yom Kippur war both demonstrated that armored combat vehicle manoeuvrability was the cardinal to land warfare success, so many engineerings have developed to increase the manoeuvrability of the armored combat vehicle. The velocity of a modern armored combat vehicle as compared to the earliest theoretical accounts has increased 15 crease on both route and cross-country surfaces. The scope of armored combat vehicles has besides increased over the past century. Tanks can now travel up to around five times farther than they could on the same armored combat vehicle of gas, which has allowed for an increased operation radius, which is widened even more by the execution of new communications systems. The deadliness coupled with the surviv ability of armored combat vehicles has allowed for a better battleground record and the ability to easy upgrade most armored combat vehicles ( e.g. the panels of ERA that can be placed on different subdivisions of a armored combat vehicle ) has allowed for a longer life. Tanks are on the taking border of engineering and are an indispensable portion of today? s ground forcess.
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