Saturday, January 25, 2020
Prevention and Safeguard Measures For Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
Prevention and Safeguard Measures For Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). Abstract Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), commonly referred to as mad cow disease, is a disease that damages the central nervous system and results to death. This disease is caused by abnormal proteins, or prions, and directly kills nervous tissues, thus is directly linked to the spinal cord and brain. The United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Food and Drug Administrations have set safeguards and firewalls to prevent BSE-contaminated beef from entering into the human food supply. Human consumption of BSE- contaminated beef results to variant Creutzfedt-Jakob disease (vCJD), which is also fatal. So far, there are no cures for BSE, or for vCJD, but only treatments to help stabilize the symptoms of the disease as the disease progresses. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, is a slowly progressive, degenerative, fatal disease that damages the central nervous system of adult cattle. It is universally accepted among the scientific community that the cause of BSE is from infectious forms of prions, which is a type of protein that is found in animals and is a type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). The exact cause of BSE is not known. In cattle that have BSE, these abnormal prions initially occur in the small intestines and tonsils, and are found in the brain, spinal cord, and other nervous tissues of animals in later stages of this disease (USFDA/CFSAN, 2005). These abnormal prions trigger chain reactions through all the other proteins in the brain and cause those proteins to change into the abnormal prions, thus damaging the brain and the result is death (Massachusetts Dep... ...h. July 20, 2005: Spengler, R. (2004, February). Mad Cow Disease. Yahoo Health. July 20, 2005: United States Food and Drug Administration. (2004, May). Agencies Work to Corral Mad Cow Disease. U. S. Food and Drug Administration. July 20, 2005: United States Food and Drug Administration. (2004, July). BSE Interim Final Rule and Proposed Rule. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. July 20, 2005: United States Food and Drug Administration. (2005, June). Commonly Asked Questions Prevention and Safeguard Measures for BSE 7 About BSE in Products Regulated by FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. July 20, 2005:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Analyzing the Syllogisms
All college students are required to take a Humanities class.Critical Thinking is a Humanities class.All college students take Critical Thinking. This syllogism is inductive. I believe this to be true because one of the premises is probable; it is possible for the conclusion to be false. Students may take a humanity class other than critical thinking. I do not think this syllogism is deductively valid because one of the premises may not be true and that could make the conclusion is false. The premises are: All college students are required to take a Humanities class, and all college students take Critical Thinking. The conclusion is critical thinking is a humanities class. Syllogism 2All college students study. Ernie is a college student. Therefore, Ernie studies. This syllogism is deductive. I believe this to be true because it is formed from general to particular and general truth applies. This syllogism is deductively valid because the premises are true causing the conclusion t o be true. Premises: All college students study and Ernie is a college student. Conclusion, Therefore, Ernie studies.Syllogism 3All college students attend class. Cindy attends class. Therefore, Cindy is a college student. This syllogism is deductive. This is deductive because the conclusion is true based on premises that are true or accepted as true. This is deductively valid because all true premises led to a true conclusion. Premises: All college students attend class and Cindy attends class. Conclusion: Therefore, Cindy is a college student.Syllogism 4Two girls submit an assignment, The two submissions are identical, Therefore, two girls worked together on their assignment.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Brain Cancer The Formation Of A Tumor Or Intracranial...
Asa Frankowski BR200 Section 01 Brain Cancer Treatment Abstract: Brain cancer is the formation of a tumor or intracranial neoplasm abnormalities in the brain. The two main types of tumors are malignant or cancerous tumors and benign tumors. The spreading of cancer to other parts of the body is called metastasis. Detection of brain cancer is typically done using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and confirmed by biopsy. The class of the tumor falls into different categories and treatment is determined by the severity of the tumor. Although the cause of brain cancer is still mostly a mystery there are several risk factors that increase your chance of developing brain cancer: a hereditary condition known as neurofibromatosis, chemical exposure, Epstein-Barr virus and ionizing radiation. Although not proven it is believed that talking on the phone may increase the chances of brain cancer. Brain tumors are treated based on their size, location, type and severity of the tumor. Typically the tumor is removed in surgery and then the patient goes through ra diation treatment. Early detection of a tumor greatly increases the odds that a patient will recover. The radiation kills cancerous cells at the same time it kills healthy cells. Because the healthy cells are also dying the effects off therapy are dangerous. The patients experience many side effects. A new treatment is being tested where nanoparticles are filled with genes for an enzyme that turns a compound into a potent killerShow MoreRelatedNeoplasia10526 Words  | 43 PagesSenior Lecturer and Consultant Histopathologist University of Uyo Teaching Hospital,Uyo, Akwa- Ibom State, Nigeria. Neoplasia means the process of new growth whilst Neoplasm means a new growth. Sometimes, the parenchyma cells stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma, referred to as desmoplasia. Some tumours e.g. some cancers of breast are stony hard or scirrhous. Sarcomas have little connective tissue stroma and so are fleshy. Pseudo tumours: i) An ectopic rest of normal tissue is sometimesRead MoreSocm Study Guide Essay30404 Words  | 122 Pagessacrum, rib s, sternum * Appendicular skeleton – limbs and supporting bones * Bone Marrow 3. Muscular System: * skeletal muscles (700) * axial muscles * appendicular muscles 4. Nervous system * CNS * Brain * Spinal cord * Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – links CNS with other systems and with sense organs 5. Endocrine System: * Pineal gland * Pituitary gland * Thyroid gland * Parathyroid gland * Thymus * Adrenal
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