Friday, May 22, 2020
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1142 Words
As far as I am concerned, the society of the 1850 was very religious; many people of that period were believers. Thus, there were many issues happened that influenced Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writing style. In that society, the religions was strict, the people were judgmental. The situation was different, thus people’s mind was also thinking in different ways. The first way is that there was religion belief in 1850’s society; most of the people were believers of Christianity. Thus, they will think in a way that base on the Bible. People were very religious and stricter than others who don’t have religion belief; they think Jesus was died for our sins, so they shouldn’t make more sins in our life. When someone did a mistake, people would†¦show more content†¦M stood for manslaughter, T for thief, R for rogue or vagabond, F for forgery. In Maryland and Virginia a hog stealer was pilloried and had his ears cropped. For a second offense he paid tr eble damages and was burned with the letter H on his forehead. Double punishment if the hog stealer was a slave. The third offense brought death†. It is shows that in 1850’s society, how people strict and religious were. Everyone has to obey the Bible’s words, no one could against it. The situation was like if you did some mistakes, it was hard to clean your sins and hard for the people to change the judgment on you. Like I just talked about, people were religious. They liked to do everything that followed the Bible, so people were more judgmental. If someone did something bad or something that didn’t follow the Bible’s words, they would judge on them and made them get in a real big trouble. In the novel The Scarlet Letter, the townspeople were always like to gossip about Hester that what did she do. They were judgmental, once you did something wrong, it was really hard to change people’s mind that how they think of you. Pearl’s natura l
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Kfc And Mcdonalds Case Study - 1406 Words
Task: 1. My two chosen Fast Food Companies that will be researched is: -Macdonald’s AND -KFC 2. Background: MacDonald’s: â€Å"It all began in the United States of America in 1955, in a small butcher shop in Maywood, Illinois. There, their founder, Ray Kroc, sealed the deal with McDonald’s first beef supplier with a handshake and received his first burger patties on credit. Since then, McDonald’s has opened restaurants all over the world, never forgetting their commitment to Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (QSCV). At the heart of everything they prepare, every ingredient their suppliers provide, and every person that works with them, is their focus on delivering the high quality meals that their customers expect.†¦show more content†¦They have invested in many sustainability measures in its restaurants over the past two years which have included building design, making sure that natural light and heat from the sun complement a minimum air-conditioning design which form part of a programme Solomon refers to as â€Å"Project Green and Growing†. This visionary progra mme targets a 20% saving in water consumption, a 20% saving on electricity consumption, 20% saving on costs and 20% saving on construction time as the brand continues on its strong growth path.†Their contribution to people/communities: Ronald McDonald House Charities: Helping a sick child fight their illness takes a big enough emotional toll on a family, let alone the financial strain. Mc- Donald’s understood the need to improve the lives of children and their families during difficult times by creating The Ronald McDonald House of Charities organisation (RMHC) South Africa, McDonald’s South Africa’s charity of choice and its largest corporate donor. RMHC helps families by accommodating them near their critically ill and hospitalized child in a Ronald McDonald House, providing a place to rest while visiting their sick child in a Ronald McDonald Family Room and providing healthcare services such as vaccinations and optical services to rural communities through Ronald McDonald Care Mobile. (MacDonald’s 2015) U14 School league: â€Å"The McDonald s Under14 School s League is a 2010 FIFA World Cup â„ ¢ legacy project that is passionate aboutShow MoreRelatedKfc, A Spot Light And Taste Of Food Restaurants Essay1615 Words  | 7 Pageswhy people in Pakistan prefer KFC over Macdonald and we found that due togood quality and taste of food people prefer KFC .When KFC was introduced in Pakistan the prices was not affordable by people but now they have lower their prices. One reason was alsothe impressive packages due to which people prefer KFC over McDonald’s. While conductingour research we also came to know that KFC is more advertised this is one of the reasons that people prefer KFC over McDonald’s. We are going to discuss all ofRead MoreKey Success of Kfc842 Words  | 4 Pages____________________________________________________________ _________ B200A TMA Fall 2011 ____________________________________________________________ _________ Case: KFC in China In China, Yum! 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ways Language To Create Meaning In Dubliners English Literature Essay Free Essays
The cliches meaning and value as cliche depends on our acknowledging both its perfect imitation, its exact repeat, of the old happenings of its ain words ( to be a cliche , it must be quotable word for word ) and its difference from other possible words that could replace it[ 1 ] Harold F. Mosher Jr defines the importance of cliches and the importance of repeat in a similar manner. He highlights the importance of cliches to ‘perfectly copy ‘ predating events through the usage of repeat. We will write a custom essay sample on Ways Language To Create Meaning In Dubliners English Literature Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The utilizations of repeat and the significance of words and phrases to copy these predating events will be explored in this essay. The subject of flight is shown in assorted narratives in Dubliners. In ‘The Sisters ‘ , the priest foresees he is ‘not long for this universe ‘ and this persists in Eliza ‘s statement: ‘he ‘s gone to a better universe ‘ and the male childs uncle ‘s recollection that the priest ‘had a great wish ‘ for the male child. In ‘The Dead ‘ , Gabriel wants to go forth ‘on his journey due west ‘ . The repeat of the noun ‘world ‘ suggests an alternate universe the characters wish they can get away to when they die. This alternate universe can be seen as Eden, which the priest ‘wishes ‘ for the male child through priesthood in ‘The Sisters ‘ . The noun ‘journey ‘ in ‘The Dead ‘ may be interpreted to intend a ‘journey ‘ in the way of decease. Escape through matrimony is satirised in ‘A Small Cloud ‘ by Gallaher ‘s statement to Chandler for holding ‘tasted the joys of continual cloud nine ‘ . Gallaher ‘s statement is sarcastic as his passion in life is clear in his comment: ‘I mean to get married money ‘ . The vowel rhyme in this short sentence makes it memorable. Gallaher advises Chandler to ‘go away ‘ ‘to London or Paris ‘ . Here, the flight is non to an alternate universe but to another portion of the universe where he can review and happen amusement in the ‘Moulin Rouge ‘ or ‘Bohemian coffeehouse ‘ . However, Chandler does non experience comfy in come ining Corless ‘s saloon as he feels an ‘agitation ‘ about ‘overmaster [ ing ] ‘ him for the ‘adventure of run intoing Gallaher ‘ or to ‘escape from his small house ‘ or ‘to unrecorded courageously like Gallaher. Ã¢â‚¬Ë œ The contrast of the adjectives ‘little ‘ and ‘bravely ‘ reflect the difference of provinces of head of the two characters. Chandler views himself as ‘little ‘ look up toing Gallaher ‘s bravery but feels ‘agitation ‘ because of the ‘adventure ‘ . This agitation reveals the battle a individual must see in order to get away the province they are in. Irony is shown in Chandler ‘s flight to London with ‘his travelled air, his well-cut tweed suit and unafraid speech pattern ‘ in contrast to the ‘signs of future illustriousness ‘ through his imbibing and borrowing money. The positive linguistic communication ‘well-cut ‘ ‘fearless ‘ and ‘greatness ‘ creates a dark tone to the narrative as the contrast highlights the darkness of his province. One of the most prevailing and well-known motives in Dubliners is the empty promise of flight with its subsequent defeat. Though this motive is frequently repeated in many different signifiers, the act of get awaying the Dublin status in an effort to alter one ‘s life is rarely, if of all time, accomplished by the chief characters. ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p54 ) Irony is besides shown in the cultural cliche ‘s in Dubliners. Gallagher ‘s advice to Chandler to get away ennui is through ‘rich Jewesses ‘ in the signifier of ‘dark Oriental eyesaˆÂ ¦fullaˆÂ ¦of passion, of juicy hankering ‘ . The attractive adult female at the saloon in ‘Counterparts ‘ has ‘large dark brown eyes ‘ and Micheal Furey in ‘The Dead ‘ has ‘big dark eyes ‘ . The perennial adjectival ‘dark ‘ emphasises the enigma of ‘Oriental ‘ adult females and ‘big ‘ is besides repeated to reflect the size of difference between the metropolis of Dublin and the flight of an ‘Oriental ‘ topographic point, off from Dublin. The words ‘full ‘ and ‘passion ‘ contrast the empty, passionless life Chandler lives and its attractive force is further emphasised by his ‘longing ‘ for a ‘voluptuous ‘ adult female . Besides, it is dry Chandler wishes his name was more ‘Irish-looking ‘ or if he could do a ‘melancholy tone ‘ or ‘The Gaelic note ‘ which is repeated, but admires the English poet, Lord Byron ‘s verse form ‘ ‘Hushed are the winds’-whose romantic melancholy and linguistic communication have surely become cliches in early twentieth-century Dublin. ‘ ( Bosinelli and Mosher p.56 ) Assorted subjects in Dubliners show cliched linguistic communication. The subject of faith is shown in ‘The Sisters ‘ : ‘God have mercy on his psyche ‘ and ‘he ‘s gone to a better universe ‘ . God is believed to be merciful for the psyche of the dead and the ‘better universe ‘ refers to heaven. The subject of money is shown in different manners in ‘After the Race ‘ : ‘to drama fast and loose ‘ and ‘pots of money ‘ . To play ‘fast and loose ‘ refers to the insignificance of losing money as it is done with velocity and without vacillation while the high significance of money is shown by the sum described through the hyperbole ‘pots ‘ . The subject of drink is shown in different ways in ‘Counterparts ‘ : ‘naming their toxicants ‘ and ‘one small tincture ‘ Drink is shown as ‘poison ‘ which is deadly to a human organic structure but it is contrasted with the undistinguished ‘little tincture ‘ shown in another portion of the narrative. The action in the narratives mirror well-known cliches. In ‘An Encounter, ‘ the male child ‘s fancy for the coloring material green articulation with the empty field mirrors the phrase ‘greener grazing lands over yonder. ‘ In ‘After the Race, ‘ Jimmy ‘s hard place in the back place of the auto and his eventual persecution reflects the look ‘to be taken for a drive. ‘ In ‘The Boarding House, ‘ seductive Polly and persecuted Mr. Doran ‘s prevarication in bed implies ‘you ‘ve made your bed ; now lie in it. ‘ In ‘A Painful Case, ‘ Mr. Duffy ‘s delayed guilt for enduring the loss of Mrs. Sinico might be thought to be an dry dramatisation of the cliched phrase ‘absence makes the bosom grow fonder. ‘ The exasperation of Mrs. Kearney at the terminal of ‘A Mother ‘ could be the dry effect of the stating ‘mother knows best. ‘ ‘The more one thinks of the action of the narratives, the more easy cliches come to mind, merely as the more closely one examines the text of Dubliners, the more apparent go the cliches. ‘ ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p.56 ) The rubric ‘A Little Cloud ‘ is connected to the cliche ‘every cloud has a Ag liner ‘ . This ‘silver run alonging ‘ represents hope of flight of the province Chandler is in by going every bit celebrated as a poet. The word ‘silver ‘ indicates money. The sarcasm of both Chandler ‘s and Gallaher ‘s state of affairss is truly a perennial sarcasm as the significance of the cliche evolves into a dual sarcasm from what appears to be an original metaphor, to the empty cliche , to a new significance created by the cliche become metaphor in its context. ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p.57 ) Therefore, the significance of cliche ‘s enhances the readers apprehension of the action of the narratives which reflect mundane life. We learn of Chandler ‘s character that he is a down pessimist: He watched the scene and idea of life ; and ( as ever happened when he thought of life ) he became sad. A soft melancholy took ownership of him. He felt how useless it was to fight against luck, this being the load of wisdom which the ages had bequeathed him. The image of Chandler watching the scene and reflecting brings a arrest to the action of the narrative. The words ‘always ‘ and ‘ages ‘ imply his depression is insistent merely as the look ‘thought of life ‘ is repeated. The adjectival ‘sad ‘ is besides repeated through the adjectival ‘melancholy ‘ to underscore his life ‘s dull modus operandi. The adjectival ‘gentle ‘ is dry as his ‘melancholy ‘ is rough because it takes ‘possession of him ‘ . The noun ‘possession ‘ is striking as it implies his province of depression takes entire control over him and the uninterrupted depression is hard to interrupt out of as he feels how ‘useless it was to fight against luck ‘ . The noun ‘wisdom ‘ is satirised as it is normally understood that wisdom is helpful in life but in his instance it is a ‘burden ‘ . On the other manus, Chandler ‘s character can be seen as optimistic at times. Chandler says about his authorship that it is ‘a melancholy tempered by returns of religion and surrender and simple joy ‘ . His unhappiness is toned down by positive emotions such as ‘faith ‘ and ‘joy ‘ . The adjectival ‘melancholy ‘ is repeated three times in the same paragraph and twice at the terminal of the narrative when Chandler reflects on Byron ‘s poesy. However, when Chandler hears the kid ‘s weeping, his pessimism returns. The word ‘useless ‘ is repeated three times in three lines and the statement ‘He was a captive for life ‘ is flooring. Chandler ‘s idea turns from desperation to a hope in authorship and back once more to desperation, but throughout, banal linguistic communication and repeat render his committedness to any stance unconvincing. This ultimate deficiency of dedication is the increase of significance that the permeant cliche and repeat spread in retrospect, if non at first, over all the action. The drawn-out metaphor of desperation is shown through the repeating deficiency of assurance in Chandler. His imbalanced province is revealed in this uninterrupted cliched rhythm of hope, deficiency of hope so trust once more. There is a dual sarcasm in Gallaher ‘s assorted mentalities. He uses cliched linguistic communication: ‘I ‘m traveling to hold my crack foremost and see a spot of life and the universe before I put my caput in the poke ‘ . The sarcasm is shown when Gallaher repeatedly congratulates Chandler for ‘putting his caput in the poke ‘ , guaranting Chandler that Gallaher ‘s ‘best wants ‘ are those of a ‘sincere friend ‘ . The look ‘head in the poke ‘ creates an image of suffocation- Gallaher ‘s metaphor for matrimony. Chandler ‘s state of affairs is mocked through Gallaher ‘s bogus ‘best wants ‘ . ‘Gallaher ‘s impermanent enthusiasm for ( Chandler ‘s ) married life is so made to look insincere by his naming that life ‘stale’aˆÂ ¦The words are filled with significance and so emptied by contradictory 1s or banal linguistic communication in one dry bend after another. ‘ ( Bosinelli and Mosher p.58 ) Cliched linguistic communication can be made undistinguished by dry irony. The subject of money takes a darker tone in Chandlers position. He calls the furniture ‘mean ‘ and ‘pretty ‘ connoting money is attractive but unkind. He repeats these adjectives in depicting his married woman ‘s eyes. Chandler ‘s emptiness is emphasised as he reads poetry more than writes it. Chandler ‘repeated lines to himself and this consoled him. ‘ The ‘repeated lines ‘ mirror the repeated ‘sobbing ‘ in the narrative through the equivalent word ‘cry ‘ and ‘scream ‘ and the adjectival ‘little ‘ is repeated in the rubric ‘A Little Cloud ‘ and Chandlers name has the label ‘Little ‘ . The adjective is besides repeated in ‘Ivy Day in the Committee Room ‘ 14 times. But Chandler ‘s name, we recall, carries with it the epithet ‘Little ‘ , and his littleness of spirit and achievement and defeated promise for the hereafter are reiterated like a chorus at the terminal of the narrative by the married woman ‘s application of the adjectival both literally and figuratively ( therefore in consequence duplicating the repeat ) to the little and unfortunate kid, making an dry comparing to the male parent. ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p. 59 ) Repeats of words carry significance of actual and nonliteral significances. There are repeats in Dubliners which have topical worth. For illustration, in ‘Counterparts ‘ , the subject of choler is transferred from ‘furiously ‘ to ‘furious ‘ to ‘Blast him ‘ to ‘rage ‘ , to ‘Blast it ‘ to ‘enraged ‘ to ‘revel in force ‘ to ‘bitter and violent ‘ and at the terminal ‘fury ‘ and ‘furiously ‘ . The short and long words create a musical balance with the sound of the words changing. The perennial adverb ‘furiously ‘ contrasts the short words ‘furious ‘ and ‘fury ‘ adding to the beat of the three syllable sentences ‘revel in force ‘ and ‘bitter and violent ‘ . The noun ‘thirst ‘ is besides repeated to reflect his imbibing wonts. Here, so, is a series of perennial words and equivalent word that turns back upon itself, leads nowhere, and as such is a metonymy for Farrington ‘s repetitive occupation and the barbarous disk shape of his life: he works at copying and recopying the same words in order to gain money to still his thirst ( that is, acquire rummy ) but is still thirsty ( that is, he does non acquire rummy ) and must get down all over once more the following twenty-four hours to copy in order to gain money in order to acquire rummy. ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p. 60 ) The repeat of words mirrors the characters insistent life style. The subject of choler connects to the subject of darkness as Farrington is described as ‘dark wine-coloured ‘ and the noun ‘darkness ‘ is repeated in the narrative. Darkness is shown in other narratives in Dubliners such as ‘The Sisters ‘ through the ’empty hearth ‘ . The apposition of ‘dark wine-coloured ‘ high spots the darkness of Farrington ‘s alcoholic job. Besides, the emptiness of the hearth in ‘The Sisters ‘ mirrors the darkness of the narrative. Harold F. Mosher Jr describes darkness ‘as a scene and general status in the universe of DublinersaˆÂ ¦ ‘ ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p.60 ) Again, the repeat of words mirrors the drawn-out metaphor which runs throughout Dubliners. The subject of visible radiation is shown in ‘The Dead ‘ as Gabriel ‘s ‘tender fires ‘ is repeated as ‘tender fire ‘ and ‘tender joy ‘ . Besides, Gabriel ‘s ‘dull fires of his lecherousness [ which ] began to turn angrily ‘ reverberations Farrington ‘s state of affairs as the ‘dull fire ‘ could be interpreted as alcohol- a fire he ‘lusts ‘ for which ‘grows angrily ‘ into a dull stoping. Light is shown in a different manner through the character of Gretta as she is described with ‘colour on her cheeks ‘ , ‘rich bronze of her hair ‘ and ‘shining ‘ eyes. Light is shown through the adjectives of the Sun such as ‘bronze ‘ and ‘shining ‘ . The images of light present new hope for their Gabriel and Gretta ‘s relation. Ironically, Gabriel moves from this visible radiation to the darkness outside to the muted visible radiation of the hotel room with his dull lecherousness and choler at the minute when, eventually, visible radiation in a nonliteral sense mornings on him about his relation to Gretta ( as visible radiation mornings partly on Jimmy in ‘After the Race ‘ after the dark of losing money. Subjects are repeated in different signifiers to reflect the state of affairs ‘s of the narratives. There are many contrasts in ‘A Little Cloud ‘ as Chandler feels ‘acutely the contrast between his ain life and his friend ‘s ‘ . Contrasts are besides seen in the scene of the narrative: ‘kindly aureate dust, ‘ ‘gentle melancholy ‘ and ‘golden sundown ‘ . The contrast ‘golden dust ‘ mirrors the apposition ‘dull fire ‘ seen in ‘The Dead ‘ . Here ‘kindly ‘ and ‘gentle ‘ brace away, as does the repeat of ‘golden, ‘ and therefore ‘dust, ‘ ‘melancholy, ‘ and ‘sunset ‘ associate with each other and with the other repeats of ‘melancholy ‘ later in the narrative as indexs of Chandler ‘s province of head and peculiarly of his attitude toward poesy and the possibility it offers for flight from his ‘sober unartistic life ‘ . ( Bosinelli and Mosher, p.61 ) The map of repeat and contrasts has topical significance to exhibit the characters aggravated state of affairs and the emphatic want to fly from their exasperation. The map of cliche ‘s augments the reader ‘s cognition of the action of the narratives which mirror day-to-day life. Cliched words can be made unimportant by dry irony. Repeats of words bear importance of factual and metaphorical significances. The repeat of words reflects the characters repeating life style. How to cite Ways Language To Create Meaning In Dubliners English Literature Essay, Essay examples
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